23m 26sLength

Rob Skiba recently put out an excellent video showing how the curvature math we are given is proof of a Flat Earth when tested. You can do these test yourself if you have something with a decent zoom on it. Here's the Curvature Chart: http://i.imgur.com/ewLBM1u.png There is plenty of proof we do not live on a ball, the problem is people are so incredibly deceived regarding this subject by the perpetually reinforced Globe that they refuse to look. So the real question is, are you one of those who will continue to believe what you are told, or do you really want to know the truth regardless of what it means? For More Video's Like this one check out Rob's YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoiIt_v1D-6z75LmrdIU2aw/videos and http://www.testingtheglobe.com/