1m 39sLength

We don't usually publish manufacturer-produced videos, but these views of the new Tiara 44 Coupe were too good to pass up. Don't worry, there's no marketing or sales pitch in here - it's pure running footage of a perfect-ten-beautiful cruiser. http://features.boats.com/boat-content/2014/08/first-run-tiara-44-coupe/ For more boating videos, visit http://www.boats.com. boats.com features boat reviews, how-to videos, special features, and information about new boats, boats for sale, and boating products—usually with a dash of fun. Our reviewers test the features, performance, and specifications of each boat, searching out the hidden details for a critical evaluation. If you're shopping for a boat, we want to help you make the best choice. And if you're just looking, we'll try to make it fun too. Subscribe to receive notification of new videos.