17m 44sLength

IN THIS VIDEO YOU WILL SEE 18 Filipino men building a boat by hand and the materials and tools that they use are nothing more than a rusty handsaw, and an old hammer, And A Lot Of Good Cheer.! The most advanced tool they use is a power planer and last year when I was visiting heart of Bohol they were doing all the planning with a hand block plane so I guess in retrospect you can say They Have Come a Long Way Baby.. LOL These guys actually remember me from last April 2014 which I find pretty interesting and we had a few laughs. And I help them carry some of the bigger boards from the truck the previous day as a token of appreciation for for all the laughs we had together. This video was created sometime around Christmas 2015 and my vacation didn't end until January 5 and I can tell you that the boat has already been completed and has a motor on it and is selling off to its destination in less than 20 days from start to finish which I found rather interesting. A pump boat is not designed for heavy seas although seas up to 1 m for a boat this size is possible but not for long term use. The bigger boats up to 30 m use a slightly heavier plywood material and more but not so much so whereas they will leave the port of origin on a long journey in 1.5 m ocean conditions. So this is the cost of living in the Philippines in that it is like living back in the 1950s and 60s and watching my family build or rebuild the boats we had as children after a storm. If you like my videos please subscribe to my Channel for thousands more just like this. I WOULD ALSO SUGGEST THAT YOU RE-SHARE MY VIDEOS And Pressed a Thumbs up Buttons.! Please feel free to comment and interact with other commenters but keep it civil and if I don't answer your request it is because I have gone to your home page and I don't see that you have a real account so to speak AND OR THE FOLLOWING; 1] if you don't show any videos loaded and if you don't have any playlists or any PANELS WITH LIKED VIDEOS it means you are not showing your appreciation for the YouTube creators which is how we originally shared each other's videos. If you can't do this simple thing of liking and sharing other people's videos please don't expect video creators to get back to every comment that what we call sock puppet accounts make. Thanks in advance and have make the best of the year 2016 it very well may be our last in a free society. Michael Fazio January 7, 2016 COST OF LIVING IN THE PHILIPPINES Building a Pump Boat by Hand boat builders in the Philippines https://youtu.be/qLiEoX77Tjc GOPR1942